Saturday, April 5, 2008

its been a long time

its been quite some time since i last updated the blog.

oh well, everyday is the same for me. work, home, sleep. and our meet-up sessions have really lessened hell lot. 
its not exactly like before, during sch hols when we bummers will hang out in town till late or go for car rides. i don't know why.

its sad how some things will never & can never go my way. 
its sad that no matter what i do, things will always happen over & over again. 
seriously, i'll be leaving in 'bout 3 mths time. there's still lotsa time u might think, but time passes by quickly. and i really wanna make good use of this 3 mths, to spend all the time i have with my beloved. 

i don't wanna regret not having enough beautiful memories to bring with me to Perth. seriously, i don't know how im gonna live w/o these bunch of pple when im in Aust. life is bound to be boring but ill learn to adapt to the new lifestyle.
But meanwhile, all i wanna do is to make full use of the remaining time i have in S'Pore. 

recently, i've met a new bunch of fabulous pple. nice & sweet but at the end of the day, they are still from the same community (if you pple know what i mean). well, its not exactly bad but its just... arghhhh i don't know how to describe the kind of feeling i have. 

there were so many times that i said i wanna get away from them but i simply can't. its not easy. i've grown to love them & depend on them. its like w/o them, my world will crumble into pieces. 
there were so many times when i told myself "Jane Chia, u need another life of your own!" but its not easy. i can't live w/o friends, can't live w/o them. 
the thought of them makes me smile & at times, cry. its either i'm over-sensitive (yes, u guys r nodding your heads!) or they are not sensitive enough. 

i don't know how this entry came about but i guess its just the aftermath of quarreling with someone whom i really care for & love. the tiffs are never-ending and its tiring. i know u agree. and despite the countless times that we talked & decided to put a stop to it, it just doesnt work. 
i guess there's nth more to talk about 'cause we've talked bout it over & over again. 
i really appreciate your effort in trying to talk things out the other time & yes, no matter wat, we're BFFs forever :)

i don't know what i'm after. i'm just feeling empty. feeling helpless. feeling sick. feeling grouchy. feeling depressed.
i need all the love i can have man. 
can i count on you clique-ers? i hope i can.