Tuesday, April 29, 2008

why do i even care?!

yes i know. my blog entries hadn't exactly been joyous or pleasing.

but well, whats a blog for right? its for VERBAL DIARRHOEA!!

let's just say that i've never really been contented with the way things are. one moment i can openly declare on Facebook that "Jane is very contented with the way things are" & another moment my msn will show "there's a limit to my patience." what the hell do i want? i have no idea at all.
but then again, its true. some things really test my patience big time. let's not mention the "some people" part although im pretty sure the person who's reading this will be able to find out that this entry is arrowed to him.

i swear the feelings died off (ok this is gonna make it so damn bloody obvious) but then....... okay, lets get this straight. im very appreciative that (lets name this person Mr. X) Mr. X bothers to meet me, bring me here & there and club with me (shit, too obvious). i don't deny the fact that Mr. X is damn nice to me. BUT.... the ego part.... omg! really puts my patience to test BIG TIME! yeah i know, everyone has their own ego and i know mine ain't that little BUT.... don't need to be so egoistic till ure totally insensitive to my bloody feelings & hurt me right.
i must admit that sometimes Mr. X can be quite sweet but well.... there r just times when he gets totally obnoxious n pisses me off!
i mean, c'mon lah, be nice to me & dote on me while u can!!!!!!!
can dedicate more time to me right.......
sighhhh.... whenever i get very pissed off, after awhile Mr. X somehow knows what to say/do to appease me and believe me, it works! what a good friend i have in him.

enough of the verbal diarrhoea!
work's been bad. but ill be transferred to Shaw Centre as of tomorrow! shall be an office lady! haha.
but taking the lift all the way to 19th floor should be annoying. the bloody lift stops at almost every level!!! i might even be late 'cause of the lift! well... but then again, meeting friends in town after work should be more convenient :)

i want a new Apple Mac Book! the price has dropped so much that it has become so affordable!!!!
definitely looking forward to studying in Australia although weekends w/o the clique will definitely be different..... :(

speaking of leaving for Australia, i heard that the clique-ers will be organising a party for me!! yipee!! not forgetting my own party at the beginning of July. venue, well .... hasn't been decided yet. invites will be out soon.....

thanks y'all.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

its been a long time

its been quite some time since i last updated the blog.

oh well, everyday is the same for me. work, home, sleep. and our meet-up sessions have really lessened hell lot. 
its not exactly like before, during sch hols when we bummers will hang out in town till late or go for car rides. i don't know why.

its sad how some things will never & can never go my way. 
its sad that no matter what i do, things will always happen over & over again. 
seriously, i'll be leaving in 'bout 3 mths time. there's still lotsa time u might think, but time passes by quickly. and i really wanna make good use of this 3 mths, to spend all the time i have with my beloved. 

i don't wanna regret not having enough beautiful memories to bring with me to Perth. seriously, i don't know how im gonna live w/o these bunch of pple when im in Aust. life is bound to be boring but ill learn to adapt to the new lifestyle.
But meanwhile, all i wanna do is to make full use of the remaining time i have in S'Pore. 

recently, i've met a new bunch of fabulous pple. nice & sweet but at the end of the day, they are still from the same community (if you pple know what i mean). well, its not exactly bad but its just... arghhhh i don't know how to describe the kind of feeling i have. 

there were so many times that i said i wanna get away from them but i simply can't. its not easy. i've grown to love them & depend on them. its like w/o them, my world will crumble into pieces. 
there were so many times when i told myself "Jane Chia, u need another life of your own!" but its not easy. i can't live w/o friends, can't live w/o them. 
the thought of them makes me smile & at times, cry. its either i'm over-sensitive (yes, u guys r nodding your heads!) or they are not sensitive enough. 

i don't know how this entry came about but i guess its just the aftermath of quarreling with someone whom i really care for & love. the tiffs are never-ending and its tiring. i know u agree. and despite the countless times that we talked & decided to put a stop to it, it just doesnt work. 
i guess there's nth more to talk about 'cause we've talked bout it over & over again. 
i really appreciate your effort in trying to talk things out the other time & yes, no matter wat, we're BFFs forever :)

i don't know what i'm after. i'm just feeling empty. feeling helpless. feeling sick. feeling grouchy. feeling depressed.
i need all the love i can have man. 
can i count on you clique-ers? i hope i can.