Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Counting down to Perth

let me see...

2 weeks & 2 days more, i'll be on my way to Perth.

that also narrows down to 2 more weekends to spend with the clique (considering the fact that we only meetup during weekends these days) =(

i can't imagine how accelerated time feels to me now. everyday just passes by so quickly.

with the endless parties that i'm attending, the awesome clubbing nights that i never miss out on, not forgetting the aimless nights when my clique-ers and i bum around in town w/o having any activity in mind.
but its all good. at least i get to spend some quality moments with everyone that i've known in this past year & a half.

i've been asked a couple of times, "when's your farewell party?"...
sorry guys, but i doubt there'll be any.

simply due to insufficient time left. and also insufficient funds! gosh!

but i promise, one last clubbing session with all of you.
oh, and for some others, dinner soon?

"2 more weekends" sounds a little too devastating for me,
'cause ever since work started out for me 4 mths ago,
the only time i really look forward to have always been weekends!
oh man!
as much as how i anticipate the new lifestyle that i'll have there,
i simply can't leave everything behind. it's easier said than done.

all the memories, all my loved ones, all the fun, all the tears, all the laughter.

i'm also shocked at how many things one has to go through,
just to finally get on that 5-hours flight to Perth,
and get a whole new life there.

application for visa, which btw requires u to answer this 3-pages full of medical history questions.
there were 2 particular questions which i hesitated upon reading them...
"Do you consume alcohol?" If yes, ____ a day.
"Do you, or have you ever smoked tobacco?" If yes, ____ a day.

Eh come on lah! yes i do drink, i do smoke... but how do u expect me to calculate how much i consume everyday?! duhhh!
besides, i don't drink everyday ya know!

and then there were chest x-ray, medical check-up...
anyhow... i've finally gotten my visa...

final thing to do....
grab an air ticket & get on that plane!

so meanwhile, while i'm still here....
lets just cherish the LOUD moments that you guys are definitely gonna miss when i'm gone.
And i seriously hope that someone can takeover my place as the "Glue"....
i still wanna be known as a member of Justtheclique when i return from Perth.

oh! and not forgetting....
Happy 21st Birthday Winston!
great party!
will upload my pics once i get my camera back!

Happy 20th Birthday Blackie Cai!
i love the 2years +++ friendship with u.
and its amazing how black you've become over these 2 years.... gawh!

start counting down now........................