Monday, June 9, 2008

the act of betrayal

hasn't exactly been a wonderful week for me.
it simply hurts to be betrayed by the people you love and you know that when this happens, there's no turning back.

everything will just end without a proper goodbye.

i can't bring myself to forgive people who have hurt me,
especially those whom i've entrusted all my secrets to,
whom i assumed could stay with me till the end of the race.

it scares me big time,
because i never ever expected these people to betray me.
i never know who's genuinely nice to me, who's not.
i feel like i was being made use of all the time, right from the start.

the person who i've cared for & doted on has been doing so many things behind my back.
i gave him a chance to explain himself, long time ago.
he never took the chance, he chose to hide it from me.
i promised myself i'll never forgive him.
simply because i can't bring myself to.

and right now,
i needa work on mending someone else's heart.
someone who really needs me now.
someone who needs all the care, concern & love in the world.

i'm here for you.

When your world Breaks down and the voices tell you, Turn around.
When your dreams give out, I will carry you.
When the stars go blind and the darkness starts to flood your eyes
When you're fallin' behind, I will carry you.

not forgetting my besties - Levin & Keith
thanks for tolerating my occasional intolerable tantrums, my wild temper & my endless grumbles.

Levin, good one on sat!
Keith, thanks for saying sorry. lol i'm sorry too.
