Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Let Go & Let God

cant wait to share bout Sunday's Sermon. Its about letting go. don't understand? no worries.... let me fill u in :)

Pastor Lian did such a good job man! while i was in the cab on my way to church, i actually talked to God for a short while. i said something like "God, pls let today's service be of some relevance to what i'm dealing with now." and va va voom, the 1st sentence Pastor Lian mentioned was... "Let Go!" then i was like "OMG! God's so cool!"

alright, let me talk a little more bout what Pastor Lian said. she mentioned something bout this old lady always complaining bout her Husband, her Life, her Kids, her Boss and etc. Then while Pastor Lian was talking to this lady, Pastor Lian had an image of this lady. Pastor Lian saw an image of God's blessings reigning over this lady but the lady wasnt receiving the blessings. bcus she was clenching her fists tightly. Then God told Pastor Lian that He is already showering this lady with all the blessings but she cant receive them simply because she's not letting go (her clenched fists show that she's holding on tightly). therefore, the moral of this story is.... Let Go and Let God handle it for You. Cast all your cares on God.

and most importantly, we should live the "Now" moments. meaning, there's always a reason why God is letting us go through certain turmoils because He always has better plans for us. and He will bring us to the places he has planned for us to be.

last but not least... Let go, open up & receive God's blessings that's already reigning down on You! seriously, the sermon was so enlightening. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah! :):):)