Saturday, December 1, 2007

internship has finally come to an end.
but why do i feel sad?

gosh i still remember i hated work initially. and its only till recent times that ive grown to enjoy the company of all my colleagues in the company. it really takes time to get along with everyone especially aunties. man, i really couldnt stand them at first. but realised they r really nice ppl.

oh and today, i actually got the chance to speak to David Loo. the boss la... he's actually really really capable. started the biz from nth till now, branches in Vietnam Indonesia KL. woohoo. mayb i should challenge myself and work under him. but i do know that im gonna be damn stressed out.... cuz he isnt exactly someone who's easy to work with.

but anyhows, i will really miss working in Innomed. i mean, of course there are good times. and these definitely surpasses all the bad memories in the past.

a big Thank You to all my colleagues at Innomed Pte Ltd. thx for taking care of us :):)