Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mid-autumn festival

30 mins ago, it was mid-autumn festival / mooncake festival / lantern festival. whichever u wish to name it as. w/o having kids around, the adults would just sit down & sip chinese tea n nibble into the mooncakes. but when there're kids around, the atmosphere is totally different. which is why my cousins, auntie and the 2 cute babies came over to my place.

its good that they were here, or else it'd be just another day for me.

but anyways, lets just say it hasnt exactly been a fantastic day for me.
yeah it wasnt but now it is. as in, all disputes have been resolved.
and i just wanna say,
edi & zach,
i love u guys alot alright. u guys have played major roles in my life and still do. life w/o u guys would be, i donno wat man. so yeah.

the moral of the story is, the clique means a lot to each & every member of it, im very sure. but there r bound to be times when disputes/unhappiness/arguments occur. the amazing thing is, each & every time when we solve these problems, thats when we grow stronger together as well. so, this clique is actually a very beautiful thing thats revolving around our lives. therefore, i think we should embrace what we have & love each other more, right?! :) once again, no pointing of finger at anyone here. just a general note, i swear! i love u guys loads.....
yeap yeap. alritey, thats all for y'all lovely people. Take care :):):)