Wednesday, September 5, 2007

the daily meetings we have...

its good to be able to hang out with the clique everyday. despite having to rush down to town after work, its all worthwhile, cause of the joy & laughter we share the moment we see & talk to each other.
the meeting was supposed to include the discussion for our sitcom "just the clique". oh well, derek, gary & ana had to leave early so we headed to winston's hse.
anyways, am really looking forward to the party on thurs. aye guys, stop changing the bloody date la! haha im getting really confused! thurs ah, set!

im getting more n more emo as winston & levin's enlistment dates draw nearer. i cant believe they're gonna be "away" for 2 weeks. afterwhich they'll only be able to book out on sat afternns then book in on sun nights. how to spend quality time with the clique like that?
im really gonna miss winston n levin.
winston baby, i want u to know i love u a lot ya. thanks for all the love. and when ure in camp, do take lotsa care of yourself. i know it'll not be easy for u. if u miss me/need someone to talk to, u can always gimme a buzz ya :) i'll always be here for u!
levin! my loveliest band mate! thanks for the gigs we have had. altho not many but im sure there's more gigs to come. take gd care of urself in camp. dont miss the clique too much altho im very sure u will. when ure in camp, dont throw tantrum n dont whine! ahahaha

alritey guys! im really lookin' forward to all the upcoming stuff that we're gonna venture into! love y'all loads!! muacks! :)
lookin' forward to thurs as well!!!