Tuesday, September 4, 2007

my clique is super cool!
edison started the blog, then winston gave it life! he added animated icons of all the members, added tagboard, planned the jersey thingy. and now, guess what? we are gonna have our own sitcom! haha something like "spin" and "light years". omg! my clique is so crazily fun! hahaha and edi bought a videocam worth $3000plus! omg!!!

oh and btw winston & levin will be enlisting soon! im gonna be so depressed. cuz winston is my baby & levin is my band mate. grrrr im doubly sad.
thats y we'll be having a party for them at winston's hse. we'll have as much fun as we can, alritey cliquers?!

life in 2007 has been GRRRRReeeeaaaatttt!!! really! in march, i passed my driving. and met the clique. throughout this 5mths+, we've bonded so much that i think we cant live w/o seeing each other. like wat winston said, although we werent sure if this clique would last and also werent sure if this clique has a heart. but im sure throughout this 5mths, we have developed feelings for one another. just like brothers & sisters. and no doubt we do have our differences and quarrels&little tiffs are inevitable, we can always work things out. therefore, i wanna say a big thank you to every single one of u in the clique. as well as a super duper big hug to all of u. i admit there are some members in the clique whom im not so close to, but we still belong together. and we can always bond! :)
you guys have brought me nth but JOY, LAUGHTER & LOVE! cant imagine life w/o u guys.

oh meanwhile, exams just ended for me. like finally! so i'll have holidays for a week then it'd be internship time! goshh i seriously hope i'll be working in a bank. and i really hope i wont have to take any supp paper!! :( this sem's been bad. played too much. grrrr.
ohh st james on sunday was fun :)

yeapp yeapp. oh man this is quite a long entry. i have not blogged such a long entry for aeons! i was lookin through my previous blog entries, damn long-winded. hahaha but am too lazy these days. today's an exception! lol alritey take care y'all!

P.S: did i tell u i love "just the clique"?! hehe yes i do! :)