Friday, November 28, 2008

exams are over!!

at last, exams are finally over!!!!

now's the time to work real hard man.
work is hectic, with endless things to do at intimate apparel department.
and i'm always late for work! gosh!

but the fun part is, i've been shopping! haha
feels good to shop, shop n shop. non-stop!
its gonna be summer soon, so have to get many many nice tops to hit the beach! lol
bought so many jeans as well, unlike my usual self.
maxi dresses, yeah baby!

all these sounds fun but... am gonna spend xmas alone.....
'cause everyone is gg back soon..... tsktsk.....
and i heard xmas here is lonely shit!
we shall see, mayb ill hook up with someone, and xmas shall be cosy xmas lol!
