Monday, March 17, 2008

justtheclique's 1st anniversary

last saturday 15th Mar '08 was the most memorable and delightful day for me.

im happy to say that all my efforts has not gone down the drain because it was almost full attendance & everyone participated actively.

this time round, i'm glad that i decided to hold this :)

lemme tell u what happened that day.
as usual, most of the clique-ers were late.

i think the initial time we planned on meeting up was 10am. it was dragged to 12pm but at the very last minute, everyone decided on 2pm. haha but still, some pple still turned up at 3, 4, 5pm. but... louis, gary, levin n keith were the earliest to reach sentosa! good boys! :)

then we checked into the room and ran up the stairs to check out the private jacuzzi that we were anticipating....
oh! not forgetting the "waterfall", slides n big pool that were awaiting us at the basement. the boys were so mischievous, they had water wrestling and kept splashing water on the only girl! hmph! but looking at their laughters and cute moves made me feel that its all worthwhile! really! they had so much happiness on their faces, i'm so proud of them & happy that they are my friends! :)
gary was so violent! we should have recorded how he pushed n slapped edison's head during water wrestling.... and how edison fell off winston's shoulders n how gary eventually fell off levin's shoulders as well.
who could ever miss louis lye's signature laughter! hahahaha he laughs non-stop and once its triggered, it never stops :P

without having enough time to dry ourselves, we jumped into the private jacuzzi we have on our rooftop IMMEDIATELY after the swimming session!
it was sooooo fun. a jacuzzi that could originally fit only 2 persons turned out to fit 7 boys n 1 girl!

hahaha it was absolute fun n pleasure! really... even though we had to curl up our legs, but its the best fun i've ever had. whats more, i got to lie in the arms of 7 hot boys :D

and as soon as matthew whipped out his canon camera, the camera-whores started posing for the camera n it eventually became a photo-taking session when everyone joined in. we took hot photos. haha really! pretending to be intimate and holding each other in our arms.

then the late-comers turned up one-by-one and were glued to the Wii set that i warned Winston not to bring, for fear that everyone will refuse to leave the Wii controller and my fear became reality! haha! they were like kids, screaming and getting excited over the game. but still, i had to pull them out of the room because everyone were starving and after 30mins, we finally left the room and walked to Palawan beach's Koufu foodcourt.

then it goes on...... ill update more... hahaha

here are a few of the MANY photos that we took :)
more will be uploaded when matt returns from BKK & when i finish receiving from monica!

the entourage. *note* this isn't the whole grp. many ppl came later.
imagine how many ppl were squeezing in the room!

@one of the pit-stops of our amazing race.
both players have to take a pic in bikini tops together! smart matt!

hungry ppl walked to palawan beach's 7-11 & visited the tribal tower.

we just couldnt get enough of the jacuzzi!